The Type of Veggie that Worsens Your Arthritis?
(Plus a Vitamin to be careful with )

Did you know that there are certain "healthy" veggies that aren't so healthy if you have Arthritis, and can actually make it worse?  Also, did you know that there's a particular vitamin that can actually make Arthritis worse if you don't balance it out with another important vitamin? We'll discuss both below...

by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist
Co-Author of the best sellers: The Fat Burning Kitchen
The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging

Most of us think that all veggies are great for us.  Unfortunately, there are certain types of veggies that can worsen or even cause certain health conditions.  For example, you may have heard some of the research in the past that "goitrogenic" veggies  (such as cruciferious veggies in the RAW form) can actually worsen Thyroid problems in many people.

But when it comes to Arthritis , there's another type of veggie that most people have no idea can be making their Arthritis WORSE... and that type of veggie is:

Nightshade Vegetables

Nightshade vegetables include tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers as the most common members of this class of veggie.  

All of these veggies contain small amounts of alkaloids that can be harmful if you eat these veggies too often.  Eating nightshade plants actually worsens arthritis because of the way they affect calcium metabolism in the body.

These alkaloids may lead to calcium deposits in tendons, ligaments, cartilage and joints contributing to inflammation and joint pain. This effect can be worse for people who already have some form of arthritis. 

Therefore, if you have any form of joint pain or arthritis currently, it might be worth it for you to consider reducing the quantity of nightshade vegetables that you consume.  I don't think it's necessary to fully remove these types of veggies from your diet, but a reduction may be beneficial for anybody currently with arthritis or signs of arthritis developing.

Can an Imbalance of Vitamin D to Another Vitamin Worsen Arthritis?

You probably have heard dozens and dozens of news stories about how beneficial vitamin D is for your health.  Your blood levels of vitamin D are vitally important to the strength of your immune system, your bone health, and even your risk of developing cancer.

In other words, vitamin D is one of THE most important substances in your body!

However, there's something VERY important you need to know about vitamin D... It has been established in the scientific literature that vitamin D, vitamin K2, and calcium work together in a very specific synergistic way inside your body that allows your body to properly utilize calcium in the right tissues (in your bones as an example), and avoid sending calcium to the wrong tissues, such as calcification of soft tissues in the body like your joints and arteries as examples.

If you take supplemental vitamin D3 and/or calcium and you don't get adequate intake of Vitamin K2 (the most important substance that tells your body to properly utilize calcium), then your body can end up depositing calcium into the wrong tissues and worsen a condition like Arthritis, or contribute to calcification of the arteries.

The point is NOT that calcium or vitamin D3 are "bad" in and of themselves, as you already know both of those nutrients are extremely important for your health...but the MOST important aspect is whether you're getting enough vitamin K2.  

Unfortanately, anybody that eats a highly vegetarian or vegan diet, or purposely avoids the fat from animal foods typically doesn't get enough vitamin K2 because K2 is almost entirely found in certain animal foods such as the fat portion of pasture-raised dairy (butter and cream, full-fat yogurt, kefir, and also full-fat aged cheeses), egg yolks, or in some fermented foods like natto, which most people have never even tried.

The lesson here is that if you want to protect yourself from inappropriate calcification in soft tissues such as your arteries and joints, and protect yourself from arthritis, you absolutely NEED to make sure you get enough vitamin K2 in your diet.

To clarify, the best sources of vitamin K2 are:

  • Pasture-raised butter and cream (Kerrygold is my favorite butter and Organic Valley makes a great grass-fed heavy cream I use daily in my coffee!)
  • Pasture-raised egg yolks (almost double the vitamin K2 of conventional grocery store eggs)
  • Organ meats
  • Full-fat aged cheeses
  • Full-fat pasture-raised yogurt and kefir
  • Certain fermented foods such as natto, and some varieties of fermented veggies (the only plant food that contains vitamin K2 due to the microbes involved in the fermentation)

Unfortunately, for those that choose to eat a vegan diet, you will almost certainly be deficient in vitamin K2, which will worsen conditions like arthritis even more, so for vegans, it's vitally important to supplement with a good vitamin K2.  Note that vitamin K1, which is found in leafy greens, is NOT the same thing, and does not have the important calcium regulating properties of K2.

What about Sugar, Wheat, and Vegetable Oils in Relation to Arthritis?

I won't go into too much detail about these three foods in this specific article because I think most people in this day and age finally realize how much harm sugar, gluten, and vegetable oils can do to your body in terms of inflammation.

You already know that trans fats not only cause systemic inflammation throughout your entire body, and can also cause death by heart disease and cancer, but what many people don't realize is that refined vegetable oils are almost equally dangerous to your health, causing serious inflammation throughout your body.

We also know that excess sugar in your diet causes extreme inflammation, which can cause a lot of degenerative diseases, including worsening arthritis.  

As for wheat and gluten...

Dr. William Davis, in his groundbreaking book called Wheat Belly , also includes a chapter about how eating too much wheat over the years is linked to joint problems and pain, including arthritis. 

Dr. Davis states: "The more wheat products you consume, the higher and more frequently blood glucose increases, the more glycation occurs. Glycation represents an irreversible modification of proteins in the bloodstream and in body tissues, including joints such as the knees, hips, and hands.  The cartilage in joints is uniquely susceptible to glycation, since cartilage cells are extremely long-lived and are incapable of reproducing ."

Dr. Davis continues... "The damage of glycation is cumulative, making cartilage brittle and unyielding, eventually crumbling. Joint inflammation, pain, and destruction results, the hallmarks of arthritis ."

The lesson is... if you want to protect yourself from Arthritis, reducing the amount of sugar, wheat, and vegetable oils in your diet can be VERY important.

Do you suffer from Arthritis and want even MORE help?

On the next page you’re going to be introduced to an innovative, Arthritis-fighting physician by the name of Dr. Mark Wiley and he’s going to share with you:

  • 3 hidden imbalances that cause arthritis
  • The REAL reason your doctor can't help you
  • 10 big arthritis mistakes that are keeping you in pain
  • Which foods make you HURT... and which ones help
  • The low-impact martial art developed to help arthritis sufferers
  • The TRUTH on which supplements actually help vs those that are a waste
  • Ancient and modern therapies proven effective for arthritis
  • One lifestyle change that can wipe out 80% of your pain
  • Help for BOTH osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis!

Please enter your BEST email address below to discover this valuable Arthritis-fighting information.

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