Surprising Foods that BOOST your Metabolism and Help to Burn Fat
Are you eating these shocking super foods?
by Mike Geary
, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of best-sellers: The Fat Burning Kitchen
& The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging
7. Nuts: Walnuts, Almonds, Pistachios, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Macadamias , etc
Yes, this is yet another "fatty food" that can actually help you burn belly fat ! Although nuts are generally between 75-90% fat in terms of a ratio of fat calories to total calories, this is another type of food that is all healthy fats, along with high levels of micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Nuts are also a good source of fiber and protein , which of course, you know helps to control blood sugar and can aid in fat loss .
Nuts also help to maintain good levels of fat burning hormones in your body (adequate healthy fat intake is vitally important to hormone balance) as well as helping to control appetite and cravings so that you essentially eat less calories overall, even though you're consuming a high-fat food. My favorite healthy nuts are pecans, pistachios , almonds, macadamias, and walnuts, and by eating them in variety, you help to broaden the types of vitamins and minerals and also the balance of polyunsaturated to monounsaturated fats you obtain.
Try to find raw nuts instead of roasted nuts if you can, as it helps to maintain the quality and nutritional content of the healthy fats that you will eat.
Also, try to broaden your horizons beyond the typical peanut butter that most people eat, and try almond butter, cashew butter, pecan butter, or macadamia butter to add variety to your diet.
One of the little "tricks" that I've used with clients when trying to cut down body fat is to have them eat a handful of nuts such as almonds or pecans about 20 minutes before lunch and dinner . This ends up being a perfect time to control your appetite before lunch or dinner and helps you to eat less overall calories on that meal.
I hope you enjoyed this look at some of the healthiest "fatty" fat-burning foods you can possibly eat. I could list a ton more, but wanted to give you a few of my favorites for now. Enjoy!
But BEWARE ...
Although these "fatty" foods may be a super-healthy choice for achieving your lean, strong, and energetic body... I've discovered that there are at least 23 popular foods that most people falsely think are "healthy", but they actually HARM your metabolism and pack on belly fat.
Discover what these metabolism-harming foods
are on the next page:
These 23 "healthy" foods HARM your metabolism & pack on belly fat
(avoid these!)