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Use This Delicious “Green Secret” To Stomp Out Your Cravings & Give You Boundless Energy All Day Long…

By far the 2 biggest hurdles our readers are trying to overcome when they pick up our book are:

  • Trying to eat healthy even when their life is so busy
  • Fighting temptations and yearnings for fattening foods!

Well you’re about to discover my little shortcut – one that not only ensures you stay on track (in mere seconds ) no matter what happens…

But that will double or even TRIPLE your fat-burning efforts, while making your taste buds explode with deliciousness !

I call it my lean, mean, GREEN SECRET .

Simply because it has the power to keep your metabolism REVVED UP to a ‘level 10’ around the clock, give you incredible defense against toxins, and keep your body FILLED with ‘super nutrients’ so your cravings are next to nil.

Not to mention it keeps you beaming with energy!

Most people find it torture having to resist food temptations, but now you’ll have…

The Yummiest Fat-Torching, Energizing ‘Super Green’ Recipe In History…

What is this green ‘miracle’ that will blast away your cravings, and multiply your fat-loss efforts?

It’s a synergistic blend of 11 of the most powerful, detoxifying, metabolism cranking veggies and fruits!

Just take a look at the on-going benefits of this awesomely healthy, super food ‘formula’:

  • Burn Belly, Hip and Thigh Fat - by supporting adrenal function and keeping cortisol levels in check... (that pesky stress hormone that makes your body store fat)
  • Nourish Your Body – leading to better health, happiness, positive mood, and peace of mind , knowing you’re covering all the bases with one delicious drink
  • Promote Bowel Regularity & Immune Health – you’ll fight off illness and defend against disease way more powerfully. And you’ll experience easier and regular bowel movements, with less stomach & digestion issues, as it balances the healthy bacteria in your gut!

And all of this start happening for you in mere seconds…

Add This To Your Diet & Get A Sexier, Leaner Body Twice As Fast … In Just One Delicious Drink!

This is the perfect ‘sidekick’ to your fitness journey, to make your weight loss goals even easier and more profound. It will be like turbo boosting your fat loss results.

And when you put all these super foods into liquid form … something even more magical happens.

Take just ONE scoop of this delicious green supplement, whether you’re at home, at work, traveling, or on the ‘go’…

And you can expect these amazing things to happen:

Your body gets such a massive rush of nutrients your cravings are forced to go down.

There’s a reason why nutrient-deprived foods make you hungrier, and give you terrible cravings.

They literally deprive your body of nutrients your body needs, so it screams for MORE!

By feeding your body an abundance of nutrients, your appetite becomes less ‘needy’.

Watch how much easier it will be to say no to the wrong foods, and always say ‘yes’ to good foods that melt off your fat and make you feel wonderful & energized!

You ‘switch on’ your metabolism and rev it up higher.

Most people’s metabolism is slow and stuck at burning SUGAR for energy, instead of stored fat for energy!

(So disappointing, isn’t it?)

This ‘super’ green mix will make the switch for you.

It will help you say ‘no’ and keep those unhealthy, sugary, and processed foods out of your system for a prolonged period…

… which will then force your body to burn off FAT for energy!

Once your body starts living off the stored fat, and making you thinner and thinner by the day…

You’ll have so much energy you’ll no longer need caffeine to keep you going all day.

You reprogram your taste buds!

Yes, this 100% possible. But most people never reach this point.

This will automatically happen for you once you supply your body with these 11 superb, ultra nutritious foods daily.

Can you imagine fully enjoying healthy vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats the way you were meant to?

A whole new world of incredible eating opens up to you. Your taste buds really start to thank you.

You flush out (and KEEP out) unhealthy toxins that are blocking your fat from being used for energy.

These foods will help shield you from fat-storing toxins for life, as long as you keep drinking the super green juice daily.

Remember, this is why most people, despite eating ‘healthy’ and exercising like crazy, stop burning fat. They get stuck and hit a plateau, because toxins are preventing them from properly absorbing nutrients from healthy foods…

And their fat cells are blocked from being burned.

These 11 super foods will keep this ‘barrier’ out of your life, and even let you get away with occasionally eating foods you’ve always enjoyed without regretting it!


Now I know all this sounds wonderful… but you can probably guess the BIG PROBLEM here…

If You Bought These 100% Organic ‘Super Foods’ Separately… You’d Pay Up To $499 A Month!

Simply finding these organic super foods would be one heck of a mission on it’s own (good luck!)…

But you’d also be spending a heavy chunk of your hard-earned money month after month, just to keep supplying your body.

Not to mention the enormous amount of time you’d spend in the kitchen, cutting them up, and trying to shove them all down your throat…

Or wringing your arms shoving them down a juicing machine so you could consume them more easily!

The amount of time shopping, cutting, juicing, and cleaning-up-the-mess-afterwards would surely drive you nuts. (As well as burn a gaping hole in your bank account.)

So the absolute best and most convenient (super affordable ) option is to take a supplement that provides you all this in a single scoop, and then some .

Let me introduce you to:

Organifi Green Juice!

Now you can drink all 11 of the fat-busting, supremely energizing, health boosting, and craving-crushing super foods… for a FRACTION of the cost...

It only takes about 27 seconds to mix with water or your favorite drink, and it tastes delicious!

Here’s what’s inside:

  • Gently Dried ‘Super Food’ Greens
    Now you can get all your healthy super foods in one glass... with no shopping, no blending, no juicing, and no cleanup.
  • Organic Healthy Greens Powder In a Bottle
    Imagine drinking some of the world's greatest super foods in one glass. Our Proprietary Formula is scientifically designed to nourish your body with vital nutrients without the need to dramatically change your daily routine!
  • Results You Can See
    Imagine how you’ll feel once you start to get a daily dose of greens without having to dramatically alter your diet? Of course improving your diet is always recommended, but the Organifi Green Juice blend is designed to enrich your body with healthy nutrients.
  • Highest Quality Ingredients You Can Get
    30 Servings per bottle for a full 30-day supply makes this the Greens Powder unmatched in value, by saving you enormous time and money!
  • Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Soy Free, 100% Vegan

Simply mix 1 scoop of this (100% Organic) ‘Super Food’ formula with water or your favorite beverage…

And give your body, mind, and spirit the best gift possible: complete nutrition, incredible energy, and the absolute best path to fitness!

The Amazing Taste Will Satisfy Even The Sweetest Tooth…

See how so many happier, skinnier, and energized users of this delicious green mix never feel deprived:

I've always been a big believer in greens powders - it's a great way to get in your daily nutrition without having to eat a bunch of leaves. This Organifi is the best tasting powdered greens that I've found. It mixes easily and is even okay with just water. I'm through my first month of Organifi (after being without green supplements for a couple years) and I'm already feeling the difference. My skin is looking great and I completely avoided a horrendous cold with lasting cough that my whole family suffered through. Go me!

I have tried all types of green powders but finally, this is the only one that has a gentle creamy yet light minty taste to it. It looks worse than it really Tastes and that's a big achievement! It's my new favorite drink. Just mix with water and go!

Absolutely love this product!!! Skin is clear! Mood is lifted! Tastes amazing!!! Please never stop selling this amazing product! It is kinda pricy but worth every penny! I went 2 months without any and was moody, skin started breaking out due to hormone imbalance. Haven't been sick since drinking this green juice. Started drinking again and feel amazing!

Great product! Tastes great gives me energy and provides a good boost if you're on the go and don't have time to have some veggies.
Also I should point out that I bought this due to it's sponsorship of "The Model Health Show" Podcast. I would have bought it through the website but I checked the costs and buying it on amazon was (seemingly) the cheaper option due to the Canadian dollar difference.

Now normally Organifi Green Juice sells for 79.95 for a 30-day supply. And with everything it has in it... that’s an absolute bargain.

Remember, you’d be spending up to $500 bucks just to get the same ingredients, so I don’t have to tell you that it’s worth every penny!

But because you’re a new customer and because you’ve shown that you’re absolutely ready to make changes in your life...

You can get a full 30-day supply of Organifi Green Juice for only $69.97 per month!

With our one-time special, that’s a massive savings of over 45%.

But... I Haven’t Told You The Best Part of The Deal I Worked Out…

Get All Your Money Back In Full If You Don’t Love It!

Here’s our over the top, crazy guarantee…



Try out Organifi Green Juice for a full 60 days, without risking a single penny of your money. If you’re unhappy for any reason at all, return the container even if it’s empty … and we’ll give you back every penny! No questions asked.

We’re so confident you’re going to love the health boosting, fat melting, craving-crushing results (plus the incredible dessert-like taste)…

We have no problem offering such a guarantee.

We know you’ll love it!


It couldn’t be any easier.

You made a choice today to create a better life for yourself... and I know Organifi Green Juice will only make it easier for you to accomplish your goals.

But I need you to decide right now...

Because This Offer Disappears When You Leave This Page

Just take a second and place your order below now... and “test drive” Organifi Green Juice for yourself for 60 days without one ounce of risk.

I guarantee Organifi Green Juice is the perfect addition to the health & fitness journey you’re about to embark on, and you’ll 10x the impact and results!

Just try it for 60 days completely risk-free.

Place Your Order Below Now...


Green Juice

1 Bottle Monthly



Save $57

Loyalty Subscription

+$9.95 shipping

Green Juice

3 Bottle Monthly



Save $137

Loyalty Subscription

+$12.95 shipping

Green Juice

6 Bottle Monthly



Save $277

Loyalty Subscription

+$14.95 shipping


No thanks. I understand this is my ONLY opportunity to take advantage of this Special Offer. I don’t need more energy, eliminate my cravings, and have higher level of fat-burn every day. If I change my mind I understand I’ll pay considerably more to join the tens of thousands of people enjoying all these benefits in the future.