The Audio-book MP3 Version of the World-Famous Truth about Six Pack Abs
is now available below
This is the audiobook version (in MP3 format) of the entire Truth about Six Pack Abs Program.
This gives you the opportunity to listen to exercise tips, ways for you to eat healthier, and motivation to get in the best shape of your life all directly from your iPod , from your computer, or by burning these MP3 files to CDs.
Whether my goals revolve around fitness, personal success, or other topics, I find that it helps me greatly to listen regularly to audios about the topics that I want to improve my life. This means that at least half of the time I'm driving around, I listen to audios for self improvement instead of wasting my time listening to the same songs played over and over and over again on the radio!
After all, it really is a waste of your time to be listening to the same songs repeated on the radio day after day... when at least a portion of that time could be better spent improving some area of your life by listening to audios (whether it's fitness topics, success topics, or other things that you want to improve in your life).
So here they are!
When you download all of the audiobook MP3 files, you can either choose to put them directly on your iPod, or you can choose to listen on your computer or even burn them to CDs.
2 Bonus Motivational Fat Loss Audios For You!
I wanted to make sure that you get as much benefit as possible from these Audios, so I even included 2 bonus audios that are a total of 74 minutes of ideas, tips, and tactics to help motivate you to get in the best shape of your life!
These bonus audios include strategies to eat healthier while also ENJOYING your food more, methods to be more consistent with your workouts and get better results from each workout, and mindset techniques to think about your new fitness lifestyle in totally new ways so that you don't fall back into the old traps that let you fall out of shape again.
You can grab the Audiobook MP3 files for the entire Truth about Six Pack Abs program, as well as the 2 bonus motivational audios for only the small investment in your health of $29.99
Special Offer:
Click here to download all audios for the discounted price today at only $17.99!
(you save $12.00)
*The bonus audios alone are valued at more than double this price... plus you get the ENTIRE audiobook MP3s of the Truth about Six Pack Abs in addition!
Mike Geary
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author - The Truth about Six Pack Abs