Attention 45+ men who feel your manhood slipping away

Cutting These 4 Vegetables From My Diet Skyrocketed My Testosterone, Energy & Libido AND Helped Me Drop 32 Pounds Of Fat FAST…

Discover How You Can Experience Exactly That And More By Simply Throwing Out These “Toxic Vegetables” (Lurking In Your Fridge) Even If You Currently Suffer From Low T

“Where did THAT come from??”

My girlfriend and I had just finished one of the most passionate rounds of sex we’d ever had…

And with a grin on her face and totally out of breath she asked me…

“Where did that come from?”

All I could do was smile at her and say “hell if I know, but let’s do it again!”

But here’s a secret:

I DID know…

And in the back of my mind I also knew what my doctor had just told me…

Which is that my libido levels are back to where they were in my 20’s…

Even though I’m pushing 40.

In fact…

Ever since I cut 4 vegetables out of my diet…

4 vegetables that most people think are healthy but actually wreck testosterone levels…

I’ve been feeling more and more like a man on the inside…

And looking more and more like a man on the outside.

Hell, I even lost 32lbs of fat since I started doing this…

And I’m gonna tell you exactly what those 4 estrogen-producing, testosterone-destroying vegetables are in just a second……

Plus, I’ll also be sharing a simple 12 second breakfast hack that you can start doing immediately to reclaim your inner beast of a man…

While shredding through belly fat (and getting chiseled muscles as you do it)…

And waking up every single day with a surging torrent of natural energy.

This is something that will work even if you currently have low testosterone, low libido, or even struggle to “get it up” sometimes…

And in the next few moments, you’ll also see:

  • How simply cutting one type of oil from your diet can double your testosterone in as little as 6 days..
  • The “chemical warfare” that most fruits and vegetables use to destroy your testosterone (sometimes permanently) and flood your body with feminizing estrogen…
  • One easy trick for higher quality sleep that will lead to you waking up feeling like a rocketship blasting out of bed and also having more intense, longer lasting sex

We’ll get to all that in just a second…

But first I’ve gotta back up and share how I got here.

I watched as my “manhood”
swirled down the drain…

It was the morning after my then girlfriend had broken up with me on Valentines day (and I’ll tell you why in just a minute)…

I woke up exhausted after yet another terrible night’s sleep…

And I just broke down in the shower and started weeping like a little b****.

I didn’t know why at the time…

It just seemed like I was on an emotional rollercoaster every day…

But as the water circled the shower drain…

It felt like my manhood was going down with it.

Do you ever experience mornings where you just feel like crap…

And where getting out of bed is a pain in the ass…

Getting to the office sucks…

You’re exhausted while you’re there…

And when you finally get back home all you want to do is go back to bed?

Or have you ever had a moment where you’re almost hoping your significant other DOESN’T want to have sex…

Because you’re so tired and rundown that all you want to do is go to sleep?

It’s embarrassing to admit this, but that’s how it was for me…

I felt like I was getting zero pleasure out of life…

A robot that was just going through the motions…

With no motivation to do anything at all…

Constantly fatigued…

And pretty damn depressed.

Worst still, I was carrying around an extra 29lbs of clingy, obnoxious fat on my stomach…

Which just made everything worse…

And that’s why I’m so thankful to have finally discovered this 12-second breakfast hack…

Something that has now allowed me, and thousands of guys just like me, to:

  • Feel like juiced up racehorses itching to get out of the gate every day…leaping out of bed with boundless energy and enthusiasm…
  • Look like Greek Gods by shredding man boobs and other emasculating body fat…while adding tons of lean muscle mass at the same time…
  • Unleash our “energizer bunny” in the bedroom…pounding away at the headboards all night long as our girlfriends/wives beg for more

Hey, I’m Ross Aubrey…

And today I’m a fitness coach, professional nutritionist, and all around happy, healthy man…

With all the energy, stamina, libido, and sex drive my girlfriend and I can handle.

It definitely wasn’t always this way though…

I grew up in an extremely abusive household…

And between that trauma, and the fact that I never learned how to cope with any of the abuse…

By the time I’d enrolled in college at Georgia State University…

I’d turned to a variety of addictive behaviors as a way to self-medicate from the pain I felt inside….

I was smoking weed from the moment I woke up until the moment I went to sleep…

Inhaling fast food like it was oxygen…

And then, when I wasn’t eating, smoking weed, or doing other drugs…

I was sucking down cigarettes like it was my last day on this earth.

The end result of this addictive behavior was female-like levels of testosterone and estrogen…

An overall feeling like I was out of control of my life and that my manhood was slipping away…

And I also became horribly overweight…

Not only did being overweight put me further into a depressed state…

But my belly got so big that I couldn’t even see my “you-know-what” when I went to take a leak.

To make matters worse, not only was I 32lbs overweight…

But my doctor also told me that I had the hormone levels of an 80 year old woman…

And a result, I was frequently exhausted – to the point where all I wanted to do was sleep…

Plus even when I was awake, I’d just walk around all foggy-headed…

Like I was just going through the motions every day.

I was depressed all the time too..

I had zero motivation for anything…

Sometimes I didn’t even have the energy to be intimate with my girlfriend.

I wanted to have sex…

I just didn’t have the energy…

And even when I did…it didn’t last very long…

Quite frankly, I was a mess…

And it got to the point where all I wanted to do was to die…

So at least my pain would go away.

I attempted suicide three times…

The first time, I swallowed an entire bottle of ibuprofen…

The second time, I tried slitting my wrist…

And the third time…

I chugged a bottle of Klonopin, which is a heavy sedative…

Then got in my car, planning to drive it directly into a telephone pole near my apartment.

Instead of hitting the pole though…

I passed out before I got there and smashed into a parked FEDEX truck (thank God no one was inside!).

And after that third suicide attempt in three years…

That’s when my mom pleaded with me: “Ross, this has to be the last time.”

Well, seeing how tortured her face was…

The anguish…

How my behavior was visibly aging her…

That was the first time I felt like maybe I really could make a change.

But it still didn’t happen right away…

Instead, the ultimate breaking point for me was about a month later, on Valentine’s Day…

When I took my then girlfriend out to a really fancy dinner.

I thought things were going great, we both seemed to be enjoying ourselves…

So imagine my surprise when she suddenly turned to me…

Looked me dead in the eyes and said…

“I’m done and you need to move out.”

I’d just been dumped…

And while it was a shock to hear those words…

I also was almost laughing inside…

Because it was like:

“Of COURSE you don’t want to be with me. I’m a mess. I wouldn’t want to be with me either”…

And then, my very next thought was:

“Something needs to change, I can’t keep living like this”…

So I focused heavily on cleaning up my diet…

I became obsessed with eating foods that I thought were healthy…

And I lost a little weight and began to feel a little better…

So I started going to the gym and working out.

And that stuff did work…

Within 12 weeks I’d lost 40lbs…

Even though I’d started exercising, quit my addictive behaviors, and lost a ton of weight…

A lot of days I would still feel like shit…

Low energy…

Moody and irritable…

Depressed and mentally exhausted…

And I was still never being “in the mood.”

I was still getting no enjoyment out of life and felt like my manhood was just slipping away…

I felt like I was going through life with a
battery-pack that was only half charged…

And everything from getting out of bed…to going into work…to getting into the gym…

It was all a struggle…

And I couldn’t figure out why…

Especially since I was eating mostly whole, healthy, and unprocessed foods…

And I was flooding my body with fruits and vegetables every day too.

Speaking of those fruits and vegetables…

One weird thing is that I just never felt great after eating them.

When I first started eating “healthy” I would do this big salad every single day…

But I always felt tired and scatterbrained afterwards…

So, then I moved to juicing…

Where I’d put all these green “superfoods” into a blender…

Then gulp them down real quick…

Yet even when I was juicing…

My energy was even WORSE…

I was even MORE irritable and moody than ever…

And I still had issues in the bedroom.

I know vegetables and fruits are supposed
to be
super good for me…

So why do they make me feel even worse when
I eat a lot of them?

When you think about it…

This kind of seems like a strange trade-off doesn’t it?

The foods that are supposedly the healthiest don’t just often taste the worst…

But they actually leave you feeling worse after you eat them.

How does that make sense?

Well anyways, that was what was on my mind…

Between the fact that I was still feeling exhausted and fatigued way too often, even though I was working out constantly and eating “clean”…

And that I was more foggy headed and unmotivated than ever before…

It was really damn frustrating, and it made me want to just give up.

That’s not to say that I would have gone back to fast-food and drugs – there was no freaking way that was happening…

But what the hell is the point of working out so hard, and eating so carefully, if you’re still unhappy all of the time, right?

That’s how I felt…

So I decided to go to the doctor and get some blood work done…

My doctor ended up telling me that many of my issues were due to the fact that I had low testosterone…

He wanted to put me on some pills and “see what happens”…

But just the way he spoke made me feel that he knew nothing about how to actually fix low testosterone.

So I went home and started doing some research.

I found some super weird stuff on Reddit like putting ice cubes on your balls for 30 minutes a day…

But nowhere could I find a natural way to help increase my testosterone that actually worked and would make me feel like the inner beast I knew I was….

I thought it was just hopeless and that rest of my life was just going to consist of:

Feeling tired all the time…

Little to no sex…

Unhappy relationships because of that…

And feeling depressed and getting no pleasure out of anything…

It all just seemed hopeless.

I ended up reaching out to a buddy of mine who does some executive coaching to see if he knew could help…

He suggested that I attend a high-end retreat he was throwing for some of his bigger clients…

He thought relaxing a bit and doing some meditation might just be what I needed.

I was out of options at this point…

And that’s where everything changed.

I’d probably still be stuck if it wasn’t for a chance encounter with America’s #1 “renegade doctor”…

This guy changed EVERYTHING for me…

By revealing the REAL reason why I was always feeling tired and drained…

And he showed me a simple and impossible-to-mess-up strategy for:

  • Reclaiming my manhood…
  • Getting me back my energy, vitality, libido, and sex drive…
  • And even burning excess fat in the process.

I want you to pay close attention to this next part…

Because the same advice this doctor gave me has now benefitted thousands of guys across the U.S…

Men who were just starting to feel “a little off”…

Guys with low testosterone that doctors couldn’t fix…

And men even like me who had been struggling for a while and felt like there was no end in sight…

So who is this mysterious doctor I met?

His name is Dr. Paul Saladino…

And if Paul’s name sounds familiar…

You might have heard him getting interviewed on Joe Rogan’s Podcast, Dave Asperey’s podcast, or Dr. Steven Gundry’s podcast…

Seen some of his published work in Psychology Today…

Read his best-selling book…

Or seen him being featured on TV shows like The Doctors.

Paul has now become a bit of a household name…

But I didn’t know any of that when I met the guy…

Instead, I was just lucky enough to attend that small, private retreat that my friend of mine put on…

And by pure chance, Paul happened to be one of the guests.

During the retreat, Paul caught my attention right away…

He seemed like a real man’s man…

Confident as hell and tons of swagger…

But not in a douchey way, you could just tell he wasn’t struggling with feeling like a man.

He seemed to have boundless energy…

One of the happiest, most ready to go guy’s I’d ever seen…

The guy also didn’t have an ounce of fat on his body…

And it was obvious he was super smart.

I still didn’t know exactly what Paul did though…

But then one day during the retreat, we both happened to go into the sauna at the same time…

And Paul and I got to talking.

It started out with small chat and pleasantries…

But before long I found myself telling Paul about my journey…

How I’d been severely overweight, addicted to drugs, and suicidal…

And how even though I’d turned my life around and lost 40lbs after hitting rock bottom…

I was also becoming more and more frustrated…

I felt like my manhood was just slipping away…

I was tired all the time…

Never motivated to do anything…

And my libido and sex drive were just about zero…

Nothing seemed to be working.

“I’m working out like a maniac, eating mostly whole foods, and loading up my diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables” I told Paul…

“So I just don’t understand what the hell is wrong with me here.”

As soon as I mentioned fruits and vegetables…

I could see Paul’s eyes light up…

And he immediately turned to me and said:

“Dude, you should cut out those
fruits and veggies immediately.”


At first, I thought I’d misunderstood Paul…

Since no one in their reasonable state of mind would tell you that fruits and veggies are unhealthy…

Especially not a celebrated medical doctor, right?!

And yet, when I asked Paul to clarify for me…

What he shared was absolutely shocking.

Paul told me how he’d always suffered from autoimmune issues growing up…

And that, one day during medical school, he’d had this crazy thought:

What if it was the plants and vegetables that were causing his health challenges?

Initially Paul dismissed this as being absurd…

But being a doctor and a man of science…

He decided to do a little bit of research…

And slowly-but-surely…

It was as though a blindfold was removed from his eyes…

Because, he said, he realized that when it comes to eating healthy and being the physically best version of ourselves…

We’ve been getting it wrong for the last 10,000 years.

Paul explained it like this:

The earliest ancestors of humans showed up on Earth about 6 million years ago…

And for the next 4 million years or so after that…

Our ancient ancestors had brains that were around the same size as a chimpanzee’s – about 500 cubic centimeters.

Then, around 2 million BC, something dramatic happened…

Our brains began to grow in size RAPIDLY…

Reaching a peak size of about 1,600 cubic centimeters…

Which happened 40,000 years ago.

Now you don’t need to be a genius to understand that having your brain become 3x larger is pretty spectacular…

And, Paul told me, when you look at all of the evidence as to what caused humans to have this quantum leap in intelligence…

There’s one thing that stands out above everything else:

Around 2 million years ago is when you see the very first evidence of stone tools that were used to hunt animals.

This discovery pre-dates the discovery of fire by over a million years…

And so, when Paul looked at this fact…

He couldn’t help but wonder if maybe the reason for our species’ incredible mental growth was tied to hunting and eating meat?

It was a radical idea, to be sure…

But Paul kept digging into the evidence,
and what he found was pretty shocking.

Paul told me that he’d become convinced that for most of our history…

Humans were primarily carnivores…

And that we only ate plants, roots, nuts, and other non-animal foods during times of desperation.

“Eating meat is what made us human,” Paul told me…

And for proof, he told me to think about the human shoulder.

Have you ever seen a Chimp or a Gorilla playing catch, or throwing an object 40 or 50 yards?”

Of course not, and that’s because their shoulders weren’t designed for that…

Yet the human shoulder is perfectly suited for throwing heavy objects, like spears, a long distances…

And that’s probably not some random coincidence.

Paul told me there was all kinds of evolutionary evidence that ancient humans were hunters first, and gatherers second…

Like the fact that humans are the only primate who has white in their eyes, which is common in predators, but not herbivores…

And then he told me how it was only about 10,000 years ago…

With the so-called agricultural “revolution”…

That our eating habits began to change.

That’s when, for the first time, human beings started farming, growing crops, and staying in one place…

And that this moment has been disastrous
for human health ever since.

For example…

Paul said that if you look at the skeletons and bones of hunters and gatherers in prehistoric Greece and Turkey…

You’ll find that up until about 12,000 BC…

The average man was 5’9”…

And the average woman was 5’4”…

Then, farming and crops enter the picture…

And by 3,000 BC…

Men in the same region were only 5’3” on average…

While women had shrunk to 5’0” on average.

That’s pretty crazy to think about, right?

Then Paul told me about one big study that looked at the height of men across 105 countries…

And found that in every single one of the tallest nations in the world…

The one similarity is that the tallest populations also tend to eat more animal proteins, and much less plant protein [1] .

After that…

Paul started talking about something called the Dickson Mounds…

Which are these ancient burial sites located in Western Illinois.

You may not have ever heard of the Dickson Mounds before (I hadn’t)…

But the reason they are so important…

Is because they provide us with a staggering glimpse into what happens when you switch from a meat-based diet to a plant-based one.

You see, up until around 950 AD…

The ancient people who lived in the area around the Dickson Mounds were hunter and gatherers…

But then, for reasons unknown, a shift occurred…

And they started farming.

You’d think that’s no big deal…

But when scientists dug up the bones of these Native peoples and began examining them…

They found something shocking:

Once these Native People switched to a primarily plant-based diet…

Not only did they start shrinking in size…

But their bones were weaker, they showed evidence of more bacterial infections, they started getting arthritis, their teeth became less healthy, and they appear to have been missing many essential nutrients like Zinc and Iron. [2]

According to Paul, this same phenomenon is found around the world…

In fact, in the classic work Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture…

A team of scientists found that in 19 out of 21 cultures from around the world that switched to agriculture-based diet…

There was a reduction in physical mass, strength, and overall health. [1]

Well, needless to say this was all fascinating…

But it was also a LOT to be taking in…

And so I asked Paul:

“Why is it that eating more plants has led to
humans becoming smaller, weaker, and sicker?”

Paul told me to think about it like this:

When you hunt an animal, how does it defend itself ?

It either runs away…

Or it attacks you with its claws, teeth, and horns.

What about plants though?

Obviously, they can’t run away…

But does it make sense that plants would be able to thrive on Earth for billions of years without some defense mechanism?

Of course not!

It’s just that the way plants defend themselves is different from animals…

Because instead of charging at us, or running away…

Plants produce all kinds of chemicals that attack our insides when we eat them.

Paul likes to call this “chemical warfare”…

Which sounds extreme…

But he said this was not a case of him being dramatic…

Because most of the compounds in plants that we think of as “phytonutrients”…

Are actually “phytoweapons”….

And their purpose is to discourage insects, fungi, and animals (including humans) from eating them for breakfast.

Plants don’t want to be eaten…

And when you actually look at the science here…

You quickly find that there are literally hundreds of thousands of chemicals that are produced in the plant kingdom that can harm us.

Take curcumin, for example.

It’s the main active compound in Turmeric…

Which is a spice that you’ve probably heard is super good for you, right?

That’s how I always viewed turmeric…

But then Paul pointed out something wildly interesting to me…

Which is that the human body has a really hard time absorbing curcumin naturally.

This is no secret…

And supplement manufacturers love to point it out in their marketing…

Then they’ll tell you about how they’ve added black pepper extract to their turmeric supplements…

Because it’s been shown to increase absorption of curcumin in the body by up to 2,000%.

When we hear this, we think “oh Good!”…

But Paul said that if you actually look at the major studies that claim curcumin is anti-inflammatory and good for us…

The vast majority of them were done in test tubes, with extremely high dosages…

While, when you look at the actual evidence in humans…

There are a high number of studies that suggest curcumin can damage our DNA and mutate our cells [4]

While turning off one of the body’s most important genes for suppressing tumors!

And so, Paul explained, our bodies are actually pretty smart…

Which is why we don’t naturally absorb curcumin.

When you mix curcumin with black pepper extract though…

It actually stops our body from detoxifying curcumin [5]

And instead of being able to flush it out of our system…

You’re increasing the levels of this potentially toxic compound by a staggering 2,000%.

I know, it’s pretty shocking…

But as Paul rifled through the evidence…

It was hard not to feel jolted by what I heard:

Resveratrol, which is sometimes considered a fountain of youth molecule in plants…

Is really a natural defense molecule that’s produced in the skin of grapes and other plants when they are being attacked by fungus – and it’s been linked to toxicity and cellular death in humans [6]

Flavonoids, like the ones you hear about in cocoa and tea…

Are proven to mimic estrogen [7] and mess with our thyroid hormones [8] , and impair the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin C [9] .

Then there’s broccoli…

You may have heard that this vegetable has nutrients that are good at fighting cancer…

But even that is wildly misleading.

It’s true that broccoli does contain compounds that have been shown to have anti-cancer properties…

But the reason they are anti-cancer is because they act like chemo-preventative agents in the body…

Meaning they can kill both cancerous cells AND good cells alike [10] .

If you don’t have cancer, would you take a chemotherapy pill as a daily supplement?

Of course not!

So why would you eat broccoli regularly?

And then there are the oxalates in green plants like spinach and kale…

Which have been shown to lead to kidney damage at even modest levels [11]

And to negatively impacting our blood vessels, testicles, brains, eyes, thyroids, breasts, and more!

And all of this barely scratches the surface…

Because, according to Paul…

For virtually any plant chemical that you’ve heard about…

It’s got a dark side that can be punishing to your body.

Now I know, this is a lot to take in…

But here’s the simple way Paul told me I could understand what he was saying:

Animals and plants have entirely
different operating systems.

When we eat animals, we’re giving our bodies food that was designed on the same operating system…

When we eat plants, it’s like taking a piece of software that was designed for a PC…

And running it on a Mac.

The software and the operating system are incompatible…

And it’s why the body has a hard time doing anything with plant nutrients…

Along with why those nutrients can even cause crashes and errors inside our bodies.

Now you’re probably thinking this all sounds highly radical…

And you might still be skeptical.

After all, if plants are actually toxic and poisoning us when we eat them…

How come there are so many studies out there saying they have health benefits?

And what about all of the vitamins and minerals that are found inside of them?

That was my question to Paul as well…

But he actually gave me a surprisingly simple reason.

He said that it goes back to separate operating systems…

Fruits and vegetables have plenty of compounds in them that show benefits in a test tube…

But that doesn’t mean they’re going to have those same benefits inside the human body.

In fact, massive studies have failed to find a direct correlation between eating high levels of fruits and vegetables, and improved health…

While in a study where 112,310 men and 184,11 women were followed for 11 years…

It was found that eating higher levels of red meat was directly associated with lower rates of heart disease and cancer mortality! [12]

Plus, when it comes to vitamins and minerals…

What studies continue to find…

Is that plants are actually a crappy source of these nutrients for humans.

The reason why is because just like with curcumin…

The human body has a very hard time absorbing most nutrients from plants (remember: different operating systems!).

Just look at the bioavailability of iron in meat versus plants:

And that’s just one example…

Look at the bioavailability of protein in meat compared to plants…

And then, check out this chart comparing the abundance and bioavailability of numerous key nutrients in meats versus plants.

Plus, Paul pointed out that several of the most important nutrients to human health are non-existent, or at best barely-existent, in vegetables…

Even though meat is loaded with them.

Take creatine for example:

Studies have found that in both men and women, getting high levels of creatine in your diet leads to drastically improved mental performance [13]

Along with significant strength and muscle gains [14] .

And then there’s choline…

Which is a super-nutrient that is not abundant in plants.

Choline is used in the formation of neurotransmitters…

It’s been shown to support heart health [15]

And it can even protect us from numerous neurodegenerative diseases [16] .

Plus, don’t forget about L-Carnitine…

An important amino acid that supports cellular health, allows us to burn our stored fat for energy, and supports longevity [17] [18] .

Low levels of L-Carnitine are also associated with high rates of depression [19]

And yet, if you’re mostly eating fruits and veggies, you’re not getting nearly enough of this wonder-nutrient.

And those three meat nutrients barely scratch the surface…

There’s also carnosine and taurine…

Which are natural antioxidants that have been shown to help reduce the formation of AGEs in our body [20] [21] .

High levels of AGEs have been linked to diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and premature aging…

So the fact that carnosine and taurine help protect us from AGEs is a big deal…

And then there are critical vitamins like B12 and K2…

Both of which are found in meat, but not plants.

So really, according to Paul…

Pretty much all of the nutrition we need can be found in meat…

While fruits and vegetables are mostly filled with toxins and natural pesticides that can destroy our health.

Now I have to admit…

All of this was wildly compelling…

But I still just had a hard time believing this could be true…

Because it went against everything I’d been told my entire life.

“What about fiber though!” I exclaimed…

And for a second, I thought I’d found my trump card…

But Paul just laughed…

And told me that, when you look at all of the studies…

There’s zero evidence that humans need fiber from plants.

In fact, major studies have found that removing fiber from the diet actually eliminates constipation [22]

And in three different studies involving more than 6,000 people, and lasting more than 8 years…

Scientists failed to find any link between high fiber diets and a lower risk of colon cancer [23] [24][25] .

Plus, scientists have found that even people who eat very low-fiber diets still have high levels of diversity in their guts.

So, what is plant fiber good for?

Well Paul told me that it’s been shown to mimic estrogen, disrupt our hormones, and lower our absorption of nutrients…

And getting heaping servings of fiber-rich fruits and veggies is awesome if you want to increase bloating, gas, and miserable trips to the bathroom.

“I’m telling you: Plants and vegetables are not your friend,” Paul said.

“And if you’re skeptical, just try cutting them from
your diet for a little bit, and then tell me how you feel.”

I still had so many burning questions…

But suddenly I realized that Paul and I had been chatting for several hours…

And that I had to let him go on with his day.

So we said our goodbyes…

Exchanged phone numbers…

And promised to keep in touch…

And then, I spent the next several weeks thinking about everything Paul had told me.

Ultimately, I decided to cut back on veggies and give
this meat-heavy diet a try for 5 main reasons:

1. There was a ton of science and hard data supporting everything Paul had told me.

2. When I thought about it personally, I’d never felt great when I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. Instead, I’d get tired, and gassy, and have brain fog.

3. I asked myself:

If fruits and vegetables are so good for us, why is it that we have to force kids to eat them?

You’d think, from an evolutionary perspective, that our bodies would be designed to crave veggies…

And yet that’s not true for kids, and it’s really not true for adults either.

4. I told myself that it wouldn’t hurt to just try out this new way of eating for a few months.

If I was noticing really good results, then I could keep going. If it wasn’t working for me, then I could just stop.

5. What did I have to lose?

I’d been following all of the traditional diet advice out there, but I still had this layer of belly fat that I just couldn’t get rid of, my energy was still inconsistent, and I still felt fatigued.

If none of the “old ways” seemed to be working for me, didn’t it make sense to try something new?

And so, I went to work…

Taking the wisdom and research Paul had shared with me…

Combining it with my own experience as a Certified Nutrition Coach…

And attempting to craft the most optimal, meat-based diet that would work for me.

In other words, I turned myself into a guinea pig…

Breaking down the nutrients in every type of meat…

Ranging from juicy ribeye steaks, to bison, deer, fish, chicken, and more.

As I was doing this, I kept meticulous track of all of the foods I was devouring in a journal…

Including in what quantities, and even what cuts…

And then finally, I committed to eating a mostly meat-based diet for at least 60 days…

That way I could get a fair assessment of how I felt.

After that, I jumped right in…

Eating like a carnivore…

And honestly, I have to tell you:

Even though I committed to following this meat-based diet for a full two months…

Within the first 36 hours…

I already knew that this was going to fundamentally change the way I approached food forever.

It was crazy…

On the 2nd morning of eating this way…

I woke up more clear-headed and energized than at any point in YEARS.

I hopped right out of bed and got started with my day immediately…

And there was no dragging ass whatsoever.

Even more remarkably…

I noticed that my feeling of energy and focus lasted throughout the whole day too…

And my mood was fantastic as well…

Which was a big deal…

Because, in the past, I’d get these energy crashes after lunch…

And they’d last from about 12:30 pm until 2 pm…


After switching to a meat-heavy diet though…

The crashes were gone…

And as the days continued to go by…

My levels of energy only got higher-and-higher.

And then, there was the weight loss…

Remember those 30lbs of stubborn fat that I just hadn’t been able to lose?

Well what’s funny is that I didn’t start-out with a meat-based diet just to lose weight…

And yet…

Within the first 7 days of eating in this new way…

I was showing hints of a six-pack for the first time in my life…

And by the end of the very first month, those 30lbs had VANISHED…

And I was seeing the emergence of a toned, muscular physique.

The transformation was insane – and it was impossible not to notice.

My girlfriend could NOT keep her hands off of me…

And it got to almost be a little awkward when we were out in public because she kept acting like a horny teenager…

But ultimately, I loved it…

Especially since I found that my sex drive was exploding too.

Hello, spontaneous erections!

Yep, I started getting spontaneous erections again – which is something that hadn’t happened since my early twenties…

Plus, because I never felt over-full, bloated, or tired…

Whenever the moment did arise…

I was ready for it…

Which led to my girl and I having a whole lot of fun between the sheets.

And that’s still just a small part of what happened:

My mood was SO MUCH better and more stable…

I noticed the bags under my eyes fading…

I had so much energy that I actually WANTED to work out…

My hair, skin, and nails looked better…

Suddenly I was transforming every single aspect of my life…

And the best part?

All I was doing was eating delicious, satisfying meals:

Steak with melted butter on top…

Sunnyside-up eggs with bacon…

Smoked brisket…

Grilled salmon…

You name it.

Plus, what was even cooler…

Is that, while I was LOVING eating this way…

After the first 60 days, I decided to experiment…

And see if I could add-in a few of my favorite foods that weren’t animal-based.

So I went back to enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning…

I’d have a few glasses of wine each week…

I’d occasionally binge on ice cream, pizza, cereal, and chocolate…

And you know what happened?


I felt totally fine.

The weight stayed off…

My energy levels continued to be sky-high…

And my sex drive kept raging on.

It felt like I’d just found the cheat code to
transforming not just my body, but my entire life…

And the reason I say that is because I was simply eating foods that tasted delicious…

Yet my fat disappeared, my muscles got bigger, and my sex drive shot off the charts.

And when I went to go see my doctor and get my lab work done…

He was shocked to see that:

  • My blood sugar levels were nearly perfect…
  • My cholesterol was excellent…
  • My blood pressure was spot on…
  • And I had virtually zero signs of inflammation.

My doctor said I was the healthiest
he’d ever seen me, by far…

And when I texted Paul to share that piece of information…

He said he wasn’t surprised at all…

Because contrary to what some people think…

There’s ZERO evidence that eating a meat-heavy diet negatively affects your heart or cholesterol [26] [27] [28] [29]

And there’s a TON of evidence that it can actually improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and increase our lifespans dramatically.

Looking better, feeling better, sleeping better, moving better:

Everything in my life got better
once I began eating this way…

And as more and more of my friends began to notice my transformation, and started begging to know my secret…

I quickly realized that I needed to get all of this down on paper:

  • The exact, step-by-step guide for eating like a ravenous, Apex Predator…
  • How to devour delicious, fatty meats while still getting all of the nutrients your body needs..
  • The specific meal suggestions and shopping lists that make transforming the way you eat easy…

I wrote down all of it…

And then, I started sharing it with a handful of friends and clients.

Within days I was getting bombarded with texts, emails, and calls…

I saw guys who had carried a spare tire for 20+ years destroy their excess fat in a matter of weeks…

Dudes who used to struggle to get out of bed transform into 4 am workout warriors…

Men who had always suffered with self-esteem began strutting around like confident Kings…

There was not a SINGLE person who didn’t fundamentally change every aspect of their life after they started following this program.

And that’s when I realized that I had to bring what I’d discovered to a bigger audience…

Which is the reason why I created this website that you’re on right now…

And why, right now…

I want to introduce you to:

The Manhood Manual

Simply put, this is the ultimate user’s manual for the human body.

It’s a way to optimize every aspect of your diet, fitness, and health in just 8 weeks…

While transforming you into the Alpha Predator you were always destined to become.

The Manhood Manual gives you the most effective nutrition plan for losing weight, building muscle, and feeling like a demigod…

And inside…

You’ll see exactly how to eat the foods you love while easily maintaining a low body fat percentage year-round…

Without needing to spend any more money than you do on groceries right now…

And how to do it WITHOUT counting calories, counting macros, tracking foods, or placing restrictions on portion sizes.

Plus, there is NO need for salads, vegetables, or fruits either…

And, in fact I mostly discourage those things for reasons you’ve seen inside this presentation today.

With The Manhood Manual…

You get an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide for how to start eating more meats, fats, and other man-foods…

And to do it in a way that covers the FULL spectrum of nutrition that your body needs…

So that your metabolism comes firing to life…

Your visceral belly fat retreats from your body…

And your energy, mental clarity, and sex drive levels soar sky-high.

Plus, this guide shows you the ideal portion sizes based on your personal goals…

And I promise…

You’re going to be really surprised by just how cost-effective and “cheap” eating like a predator can be.

Even better…

While you may end up doing a bit more cooking when you follow this program…

You’ll also find it’s insanely simple to do this…

Because all you’ve got to do is take delicious cuts of beef, fish, shrimp, pork, bison, deer, lamb, and other game…

Add in a nice big portion of butter and sea salt…

Then take 5-10 minutes to cook them up in a pan.

And of course, the diet allows you to eat plenty of eggs, oysters, mussels, and other delicacies too…

Along with beef jerky, pork rinds, and even dairy.

Personally, I was never much of a “chef”…

But now I love taking 5-10 minutes in the kitchen to cook up a big, juicy, hearty feast for myself…

Especially since I know just how damn good I’m going to feel…

And how freaking great I’m going to look…

As a result of eating this way.

And what’s even better about The Manhood Manual….

Is that unlike with a lot of “diets” you may have tried in the past…

Since almost all restaurant menus are loaded with meat anyways…

It’s still super easy to go out to
eat whenever you want.

Craving a cheeseburger with bacon? Go nuts…

Want to get a big fat ribeye at your favorite steakhouse? Get it!

You do NOT have to sacrifice a whole lot here…

Besides the bland-tasting veggies that you probably only ate out of “guilt” during most meals anyways.

And in addition to all of this…

Inside The Manhood Manual you’ll also discover the golden ratio between proteins and fats…

And why most people who go “carnivore” get this wrong. (Plus, how to make sure you get it right by following something called the 70/30 rule).

I’ll show you how you can easily incorporate fruit, honey, white rice, avocados, olives, and sweet potatoes into your diet if you want…

You’ll see why Cheese is actually your friend when it comes to burning fat…


I’ll reveal the one simple eating rule that makes it impossible not to shred belly fat (even if you’re the laziest person ever).

Next, I cover Intermittent Fasting…
Showing the “real-world” way to do it…

An approach where you do NOT need to skip meals every single day…

But instead, just incorporate this practice into your routine a few times a month…

And watch as even more fat comes melting off.

Trust me:

When done right, intermittent fasting won’t leave you feeling tired, cranky, or with a gnawing sense of hunger either…

Instead, it’ll have you feeling clear-headed and flooded with energy…

And you’ll see exactly how to do this inside The Manhood Manual.

Plus, inside The Manhood Manual…

  • You’ll also be given a detailed breakdown of why most vegetables have been secretly poisoning you…
  • I’ll reveal the truth about nuts and seeds (and why your kidneys hate them)…
  • You’ll find out why plant fiber could be the surprising reason behind your skin struggles and allergies…
  • And I’ll show you the “Deadly 7 Fake Health Foods” that are actually loaded with estrogen-producing soy.

Doesn’t this sound like the kind of information you could benefit from knowing?

Well it’s all inside The Manhood Manual.

And here’s the thing:

If you can commit to eating stuff like delicious meats, fresh seafood, and wholesome eggs…

Then you CAN burn virtually every ounce
of excess fat from your body fast!

It doesn’t get any easier than that…

And don’t forget:

I’ve created a program here where:

  • You can STILL keep enjoying your daily cup of coffee (with cream, if you want!)…
  • You can STILL knock back some adult beverages a few times per week…
  • And you can STILL binge on pizza, ice cream, and other junk foods from time-to-time…
  • WITHOUT sabotaging your weight loss, energy, or mood.

In other words, this really is the Cheat Code to becoming the ultimate version of yourself…

And that’s still just the start…

Because inside The Manhood Manual you also get
my ultimate 8-week Fat-Burning Training Protocol.

Let me be clear:

If you’re already in love with your workout routine, and you just want to change the way you eat at first…

You absolutely can do that…

And you will still get ridiculous, head-turning results.

The reason I included an 8 Week Training Program inside The Manhood Manual though…

Is because once you start eating like a predator…

And you see your belly shrinking and your energy soaring…

I’m pretty sure you’re going to become pretty obsessed with the way you look and feel…

And there’s a good chance you’ll want to take things to the next level.

It’s not vanity…

It’s f*#@ing awesomeness…

And since I’m willing to bet that you’re going to start feeling just a little bit addicted to checking yourself out in the mirror each day…

I said “screw it, let’s overdeliver here”…

And placed this training guide right inside The Manhood Manual.

Inside The 8 Week Fat-Burning Training Protocol:

  • You’ll get an easy-to-stick with routine that’s filled with bodyweight-only workouts that can be done ANYWHERE…
  • These workouts follow the principles of High Intensity Interval Training – where you go hard for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, go hard for 30 seconds…
  • Each workout lasts between 20 and 30 minutes…
  • And you only need to do them 3x per week…

Plus, inside the program I also show you exactly how to modify each workout based on where you’re at with your fitness…

Which means it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner, a seasoned vet, or an Olympian…

These workouts will fit with your lifestyle and your goals.

Now like I said, this training program is optional…

But it’s my hope that you’ll give it a try…

Because, if you’ve got about 25 minutes to spare, 3x per week…

You will be shocked by just how easy it is to build rippling muscles and a chiseled core.

And what’s even cooler is that we’re still not done…

Because inside The Manhood Manual you’ll also receive:
The Ultimate Guide to Recovery.

In my opinion, recovery is the most overlooked part of burning fat and getting into incredible shape…

Which is why I love this section…

And why I know you’ll love it too.

Inside The Ultimate Recovery Guide…

I’ll show you 13 proven strategies for getting better sleep (even if you’re busy, or don’t have 8 hours)…

And I’ll go ahead and tell you that one of my favorites of those 13 strategies…

Is to have more orgasms…

Which is something you’ll probably be doing anyways thanks to your skyrocketing testosterone and sex drive.

Plus, in this section of the The Manhood Manual…

You’ll also see the truth about foam rollers…

And how taking just 5 minutes per day to roll can increase blood flow to your brain, muscles, and even your “guy downstairs”…

While leaving you with more flexibility and less stiffness from head to toe.

And that’s just a fraction of what’s covered inside The Ultimate Recovery Guide…

But hopefully, you’re starting to feel pretty damn pumped to try this all out…

Because I swear to you…

If you follow the simple, easy steps that are inside The Manhood Manual…

  • You WILL burn away your fat…
  • You WILL start packing on pounds of lean muscle…
  • You WILL feel better, think better, move better, and look better…
  • And it’ll happen in a shockingly fast period of time.

So with that being said…

Let’s talk about how you actually do get your hands on this breakthrough program.

The Manhood Manual is only available
right here, on this website…

And only while I’m able to keep making it available to the public.

You see, while it’s definitely my goal to get this new way of eating into the hands of as many folks as possible…

It’s no secret that this program flies into the face of most traditional diet and health advice…

Which is why everyone from big drug companies, to big food companies, to hardcore Vegans all HATE me for sharing this information.

My goal is to keep staying under their radar…

But at a certain point, if I become a target, then I may need to take this website down so I can protect my family.

Which is why, if you’re ready to FINALLY begin eating like the Apex Predator that nature intended you to be…

It’s important that you act today…

And get your very own copy of The Manhood Manual, while it’s still available online.

Using the step-by-step system that you find inside…

You’ll have a PROVEN blueprint in your hands…

A new, fun, and sustainable way of eating that transforms fat into muscle…

While reducing unhealthy inflammation in your body…

Reversing high blood sugar and insulin resistance…

Stopping your brain from degenerating into a gray blob as you age…

And filling you with a powerful surge of energy, happiness, and confidence.

That’s the promise of The Manhood Manual…

And if we’re being honest…

There’s simply no other program around
that can make even a portion of these claims:

You’ve tried other diets in the past – but none of them were sustainable or got you great results…

You’ve had your doctor pushing pills down your throat for years – but it just feels like you’re slapping expensive, chemical-filled band-aids on your health problems…

And maybe you’ve spent hours and hours in the gym…

Only to find that you get diminishing returns, soreness, and a joyless life.

Well between the co-pays, higher insurance premiums, gym memberships, organic veggies, and everything else you’ve been depending on to “stay healthy”…

You’ve probably spent AT LEAST an extra $1,200 over the past 5 years…

And yet, what do you have to show for all of that effort and expense?

If you’re still here reading this letter…

It’s because up until now, nothing has gotten you the results that you want…

And yet, I’m here to tell you that The Manhood Manual WILL deliver…

Because it’s based on true science, meticulous research, and thousands of real-life success stories…

Including my own.

And yet, while The Manhood Manual is the most guaranteed way to shred fat and get healthy that I have ever come across…

It’s not going to cost you $1,200…or even $500…or hell, even $249.


While the normal retail price of The Manhood Manual is probably going to be somewhere around $97, which is already a steal…

When you take action right now and commit to just trying The Manhood Manual out…

You’ll be able to get your hands on this breakthrough system for just $97 $19.

The reason for this huge discount is pretty simple:

The year 2020 sucked for a lot of people…

But now, it’s a brand-new year…

And I want to make it as simple as possible for you to create a brand-new you 🙂

So get started now by clicking the button that you see below.

Yes! I’m Ready to Eat, Act, and Perform like a MAN... and Transform My Life TODAY.

Once you click on that add-to-cart button…

You’ll be taken to my 100% secure, and military-grade encrypted checkout page.

On that page, you’ll just enter your order info…

And as soon as you’re done…

You get INSTANT access to The Manhood Manual through the private member’s area I’ve set up.

That means you’ll be able to jump right in…

And start using the specific food lists, eating guides, meal suggestions, training routines, recovery system, and everything else right away…

And you can start making the transition to a meat-based diet within the very next hour.

The program is viewable on any computer, smart phone, or tablet…

Plus, you can also print it out and share copies with friends, or take it with you on the go if you want to…

And I’ve gone above and beyond to deliver every single aspect of The Manhood Manual.

Yes! I’m Ready to Eat, Act, and Perform like a MAN... and Transform My Life TODAY.

Really think about it:

When you and your girl eat out at your favorite restaurant,
doesn’t the final bill usually come to more than $19?

Most of the time, I’d bet the answer is yes!

But you probably don’t bat an eye at paying it, right…

Because the food was good, and the company was even better.

Well today, for less than the cost of a dinner date at a modestly priced restaurant…

You will get the step-by-step blueprint for transforming EVERY single aspect of your health…

And while a meal lasts about an hour…

The Manhood Manual is a system of eating, training, and living that you continue to benefit from for the rest of your life…

Plus, this is about making sure EVERY meal you eat is enjoyable…

And remember…

As your testosterone begins to surge and your energy levels start to skyrocket…

The kind of “company” you keep with your significant other is going to get a whole lot better too…

Especially between the sheets!

And that’s why it is so crucial that you step up to the plate and grab your copy of The Manhood Manual today.

And you should also know that:

The Manhood Manual comes with a 60 Day,
100% Money Back Guarantee too.

It works like this:

Even though I am POSITIVE that the Manhood Manual is the most effective body-transformation system on the planet…

Something that will turn you into a ripped, laser-focused alpha man…

I also know that this whole idea of cutting out most of your veggies…

And eating delicious and enjoyable man foods day-after-day…

Might still be a little hard to get your head around.

Well, like I’ve been saying, the science is all here to back this up…

It’s truly the way you were born to be eating…

But, because I know that talk is cheap…

And seeing is believing…

I’ve decided to go ahead and give the chance to just take a test-drive of The Manhood Manual…

At zero risk to you.

So right now, all you have to do is click the add to cart button you see below…

And then, after you’ve placed your order…

You’ll have a full 60 Days to go through the program…review all the research…and try this system out…

And if you change your mind for any reason in the next two months…

Simply email my customer support team at: [email protected]

And we’ll refund every single penny of your $19 with zero questions asked…

PLUS, The Manhood Manual is still yours to keep as my way of saying thanks for trying this out.

So literally the only risk you have today…

Is that of inaction…

And missing out on this opportunity to get The Manhood Manual while it’s still available to the public.

Yes! I’m Ready to Eat, Act, and Perform like a MAN... and Transform My Life TODAY.

Right now, this presentation is about to end…

And really, you’ve just got two choices.

The first option is to leave this page without deciding to try out The Alpha Manual for yourself.

You can totally do that…

But I have to ask:

If you’re unhappy with where you’re at physically right now…

If you’re sick of the man boobs…

Or the extra paunch around your belly…

Or the way you sleep like shit and feel tired throughout the day…

Then what’s going to change in your life if you just leave this page without grabbing your copy of The Manhood Manual?

Are you going to start a new workout routine in 2021 that somehow helps you breakthrough previously impossible plateaus?

Are you going to find some other diet that promises the world, but that’s just a rehash of everything else you’ve seen?

Are you suddenly going to find that you have more time in the day for intense training, steaming up bland veggies, and everything else?

I’m not trying to be a dick here, I’m just being real:

If you skip on this opportunity right now, how is your life going to be any different in 2021?

If you don’t have a good answer to this question…

Then it’s a pretty strong sign that you should make the second, smarter choice…

Which is to say “YES!” to The Manhood Manual today.

All it takes is the simple click of a button…

And then, a commitment to eating more steak, fish, eggs, and other foods you want to be eating anyways…

Yet if you make that commitment right now…

You will be SHOCKED by just how much better you look, move, and feel within the next 30 days…

And from there…

As the months continue on…

And as those months turn into years…

You’ll find that for the first time ever…

You’re actually able to SUSTAIN your results…

Because this is a program where the only thing you have to do…

Is to keep eating foods you already love anyways.

So, like I said, the choice is up to you…

But I hope you’ll make the right call here…

And I’ll see you inside The Manhood Manual’s member area in just a few moments from now.

– Ross Aubrey

Yes! I’m Ready to Eat Like an Apex Predator, Burn Through Fat, and Transform My Life TODAY.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Switching to a Mostly Meat-Based Diet Really Healthy?


In fact a lot of evidence suggests it’s way healthier than eating a plant-based diet.

There are multiple reasons why this is the case:

1. You can get every single vitamin and nutrient your body needs from meat (you don’t need plants).

2. Those nutrients are much more bioavailable in meat, when compared to plants.

3. Plus meat has vital nutrients that plants don’t contain in adequate levels, including L-Carnitine, Carnosine, Choline, Creatine, Vitamin K, Vitamin B12, and more.

4. There is an overwhelming amount of research showing that plants, especially most vegetables, are loaded with toxins that are bad for the human body.

5. There is comprehensive scientific proof showing that eating a diet that is heavy in unprocessed meats actually supports lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar, less inflammation, and a healthy brain.

2. Will I really Burn Fat?

100%. Think about all of the success stories you’ve probably heard about people losing weight on the Keto Diet.

This is like Keto, but frankly much better…

Because you don’t need to worry about elaborate recipes, steaming up vegetables, cooking everything in coconut oil, etc.

Instead, you’re just cooking up delicious cuts of meat, enjoying fresh seafood, and eating like the predator God intended you to be…

And yet, because there are no carbs, inflammatory foods, or metabolism-disrupting plant compounds…

The fat will continue to come melting off.

Plus, like I’ve been mentioning throughout this presentation…

You’re going to find that your testosterone levels, your sex drive, your mental clarity, and your energy all get a huge boost too…

And you’ll also see how you can still incorporate certain non-meat foods into your diet as well if you want…

Including avocado, sweet potatoes, local honey, cheese, and fresh dairy…

Which just makes this way of eating even easier to follow.

3. How Long Will It Take For The Program To Work?

Every person is different…

But you’ll probably start noticing major improvements in your energy and physique in the first few days.

Then, as the weeks go by…

You’ll find your tummy getting smaller and smaller…

Your muscles becoming more and more defined…

Your energy levels soaring higher and higher…

And it never stops.

That’s actually the best part of The Manhood Manual…

I set it up to be an 8 week program…

But because you’ll actually ENJOY everything you’re doing here…

It’s easy to stick with this for the rest of your life!

4. What’s Included With The Manhood Manual again?

Inside The Manhood Manual you get it all:

  • The step-by-step guide to switching to a meat-based diet…
  • The meal suggestions and food lists…
  • The 8 Week Training Program, where each work out is between 20-30 minutes long, and you just do them 3x per week…
  • The Ultimate Guide to Recovery…
  • A detailed breakdown of all the science behind this program, including the research about why meat > than vegetables when it comes to human health…
  • And EVERYTHING else…

For just $97 $37.

That’s less than the cost of a dinner date…

And yet this can change the trajectory of your life, and your health, forever.

At its core, The Manhood Manual is simply a new, better way of eating…

There’s no restricting calories, counting macros, or having to control portion sizes…

You’ll actually eat MORE yummy proteins and fats…

And as I’ve been mentioning on this page…

As you go through The Manhood Manual you’re even able to enjoy your morning coffee, adult beverages, and even the occasional bowl of ice cream or pizza-binge…

And yet the fat will continue to come off.

5. Is There A Guarantee?


The Manhood Manual comes with a 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

So even though I’ve already slashed the price of this program from $97…

All the way to just $37…

If you’re not THRILLED with The Manhood Manual for any reason…

Just email me and my team at any point during the next 60 Days…

And we’ll immediately refund your $37 with no questions asked.

There’s no headaches and no hassles…

Either you use this program and it changes your life…

Or you don’t pay a dime.

6. How Do I Order?

That part’s easy!

Just click the button you see below…

Then complete your order using our safe, secure, and encrypted checkout page…

And then you’ll get IMMEDIATE access to your digital copy of The Manhood Manual.

That means in less than 2 minutes from now…

You could already be on your journey to transforming your body forever!

Yes! I’m Ready to Eat Like an Apex Predator, Burn Through Fat, and Transform My Life TODAY.