TruthAboutAbs.com Super-Affilliate Lesson #1
Update: due to changes in the weight loss industry on PPC ad platforms such as google adwords (and the infamous so-called "google slap" from those EVIL arrogant people at google), the only way you'll even stand a chance to get any google adwords traffic is if you host your own landing page on your own domain as either a presell or some sort of landing page strategy. Google is not accepting direct hoplinks for ANY fitness sites on clickbank at this point in time. If you try to submit hoplink ads, your ads will either get disapproved, or if they get approved, they won't get any traffic due to the "google slap" which is a quality score penalty. This happens because google just falsely assumes that every single fitness site is a scam instead of taking the time to review and see that we actually have quality fitness programs that are changing peoples lives. But I digress from the discussion of EVIL arrogant google...
If you can get your own landing page on your own domain running on adwords or other PPC engines, below is some strategic keyword info, and techniques for PPC for TruthAboutAbs.com that will work well for you.
Let's start today with just a brief run-down of some PPC tips... First of all, if you've never advertised in the fat loss and abs market, you need to realize that this is a MASSIVE market... almost every person in the world either wants to lose a lot of fat, a little bit of fat, or just tighten up their abs even more if they're already in shape. Your target market is literally EVERYONE. So that means advertising opportunities can work on almost any type of site (content ads), such as politics sites, weather sites, news sites, and more... so think beyond just fitness and health sites. While most affiliates might only make a couple sales per day, for those that really know how to maximize PPC, I've had some affiliates doing $8000/day or more in commissions for TruthAboutAbs. If you're still thinking small, it's time to expand your mind with how big the fat loss market really is.
Alright, let's get started:
One of the first mistakes I see affiliates making when they are trying to advertise for my abs product is that they only bid on the obvious terms such as 'six pack abs', or '6 pack abs'.
These terms are ok, but there's a lot of competing affiliates trying to advertise my product on those terms, so it may be hard to get placement and may drive the price of clicks up too. Let's look at some of the dozens of other kewords that you can create your ad groups around:
ab exercises
abs exercises
ab exercise
abs exercise
ab workouts
ab workout
abs workout
abs workouts
best ab workout
best ab exercise
six pack abs exercises
six pack abs workouts
toned abs
tone abs
tone up abs
toning abs
all of the above variations but using 'abdominal' instead of 'abs' or 'ab'
(you can see how you can keep expanding these keyword variations by the dozens)
ab training
ab program
ab machines
ab lounger
ab lounge
ab roller
ab slide
ab toner
ab trainer
ab chair
ab dolly
ab red machine
ab belt
...all of the above variations but using 'abs' and 'abdominal' instead of 'ab'
Below is a group of keyword types that also convert well with my site, but most affiliates COMPLETELY overlook these:
belly fat
lose belly fat
reduce belly fat
get rid of belly fat
losing belly fat
how to lose belly fat
best way to lose belly fat
loose belly fat (don't forget mis-spellings)
all of the above combinations using 'stomach fat', 'abdominal fat', 'ab fat', and 'tummy fat'.
flat abs
flatten abs
flatter abs
how to get flat abs
flat stomach
flat stomach exercises
flat stomach workouts
exercise for a flat stomach
workout for a flat stomach
tone up stomach
tone up belly
tone up tummy
tummy tuck
Are you starting to see the endless opportunities to drive HUGE amounts of traffic! Now you can see why some affiliates are making 4 figures/day or more with this site.
Here's a free keyword research tool you can use to gather and expand on your keyword combos:
One of the most powerful ways to use these tools and expand your keyword opportunities is to simply take a very broad word and type it in and see all the variations that people are searching for. For example, if you just type in 'abs', you'll see all of the variations that people are searching for expanded, such as:
abs diet
nice abs
good abs
sexy abs
perfect abs
hot abs
great abs
abs exercises
abs workouts
how to get abs
etc, etc, etc
You can do this with any other broad terms from above and find hundreds of variations people are searching for, and then use them in your campaigns.
Also, here's a great tool to use to save yourself time with wrapping keywords:
You can also find HUNDREDS of variations of keywords using google's built-in keyword tool inside your campaign. After you've set up your ad group and have your ads done and a basic set of relevant keywords, you can then click on the 'keywords' tab, and then go into the 'keyword tool'. Or you can simply go to their external keyword tool at:
From there, you can type in the basic keword that your ad group is relevant to, and search for variations. Google will spit out a couple hundred closely related variations. DON'T just add them all, because many of them won't be relevant at all.
Just scroll through and pick and choose which ones you want to add. After you've added all the keywords from the left, look to the right hand column and they'll all be listed there. Then you can click below that to show a text file of all of the keywords you chose, and it will open a text file. Copy and paste all of the keywords from the text file into the keyword wrapper website I showed you above, and then select "all matches". From there, you can then copy and paste all of the wrapped keywords back into your google campaign for that ad group.
Usually this method will expand your keyword list from 20 or 30, all the way to 200 or 300, and all still relevant to your ad group.
Keep in mind that one of the most important aspects in your google advertising or other PPC is keeping your ad groups separated and keeping your ad text RELEVANT to your keywords.
For example, you don't want to be bidding on 'lose belly fat', and have your ad read something like "Six Pack Abs Secrets". If you were bidding on 'lose belly fat', you'd want your ad to read something like, "Lose Belly Fat Fast" or "How to Lose Ugly Belly Fat". See how that's RELEVANT to what they were searching for, whereas the other title isn't.
Make sure to keep your ad groups separate, such as having one ad group revolving around 'abs exercises', another around 'abs workouts', another around 'belly fat', another around 'stomach fat' and so on. This gets your clickthrough rate higher, and your cost per click down, and gets you more targeted visitors.
Also, be sure to use the clickbank tracking id's so that you can track which ad groups are converting to sales and which aren't. The tracking id option is available right when you're creating your hoplink at clickbank. For example, you could use the tracking id 'belly', for all of your ads related to 'belly fat', and the end of your hoplink would look like this:
Here's one of my big secrets of how I used to get over 200,000 clicks per DAY with adwords. Again, as I said at the beginning of this page, you can no longer do this with hoplinks, but if you have your own domain and can get it to run on adwords, go for it. Using this method, you can easily get 3X the amount of clicks for the same price as a typical adwords search campaign!
Although most PPC Guru's tell you to avoid running your ads on the content network on google, I can tell you that there is a LOT of money to be made by putting your ads on the content network. Plus, if you do it right, you can get a SUPER high volume of traffic for dirt cheap!
To be honest, my most profitable campaigns for Truth about Abs were always on the content network.
The reason?
It's simple really... you can get your clicks for half price, or even 1/5 of the price of "search" campaigns. For example, my clicks in my search campaigns for the truth about abs generally ranged between $0.15 - $0.25/click.
On the content network, it's not uncommon to be able to get clicks for as cheap as 0.02 - 0.05/click in some countries, or even as cheap as $0.10 to $0.12 cents/click for quality US traffic. Despite popular belief, I've found that conversion rates for my content campaigns for my abs product convert nearly just as high as the search campaigns. Trust me... the sheer volume of cheap clicks you can get on the content network makes it SUPER profitable!
All you have to do is make sure to use different max bids for your search clicks and your content clicks. If your max bid on your search clicks is $0.19/click, try setting your max bid for content clicks at $0.09 to 0.14/click. I actually used to get a pretty decent volume per day at only $0.03/click in some countries that convert decent, and about $0.11 cents/click even in the expensive US market. However, you'll need to get super high click through rates to achieve these kinds of low click prices.
If you want to get more advanced with this, I recommend separating your ads into a "content-only" campaign, and a "search-only" campaign. That way you can still properly split test your search ads without watering down the stats with all of the thousands of content impressions.
A Key Pointer to Keep in Mind for Profitable Campaigns
One of the things you must think about is what types of people your ads are appealing to. You want to appeal to buyers, not "tire kickers" as the phrase goes in this industry. What that means is that if your ad appeals mostly to teenagers, you're probably not going to get many sales, because teenagers generally don't have money, or the authority to use a credit card online.
You may get lucky from the occasional teenager who convinces their parents to buy it for them, but you're much more likely to be successful if your ads appeal to adults. Most of my customers are anywhere from 20 to 60 years of age.
Ok, hopefully this PPC lesson will give you lots of ideas to get started on profitable campaigns!
I will be adding more lessons as we move on, so be sure to look out for the emails from me. It could mean the difference between making $100/month as an affiliate or $50,000/month as an affiliate!
Here are some of the topics that will be covered in detail in upcoming lessons:
I'll be in touch soon. Also, be sure to check out the affiliate email content page for further ideas.
And make sure to also check out how some of my affiliates are using these super popular article pages as direct landing pages for their hoplinks and sending that content to their blog followers and email subscribers. This works great for publishers with loyal followings!
To our success,
Mike Geary
Founder - TruthAboutAbs.com
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